Sunday, October 4, 2009


So after getting back from Pucon, the skies were gray and bad weather was in the forecast. I figured weak spring weather system dropping a few centimeters of warm snow in the mountains. The next days were ones that you don't want to do anything for. Overcast and cold in the city....really, really, cold? Yet not raining a drop. When the mountains get snow, it ALWAYS rains in Santiago, but the storm bluffed us this time.

Using the Valle Nevado webcam and talking to my peeps up there, I found out it was DUMPING cold, dry, POW! Like 30cm. in one night. It snowed all weekend with some breaks of BLUEBIRD for the lucky ones.

So Monday I left the concrete jungle early with skis in hand and hopped on the metro, to get to the bus, that would take me to the hitch hiking spot. So imagine everyone going to work to start the week off, and I'm cruising public transit close to fully geared up. I couldn't follow my normal people watching habits because I was being stared at. It was awkwardly funny.

From the end of public transit I flagged an empty tour transport that got me up the 50 something switchbacks to Valle Nevado for about 10 dollars. All well worth it for some of my best turns of the season through 60+cm of the good stuff....mostly. The snow had gone though some transformation in some places, but I seemed to have the right instincts. I skied alone, as fast, and fun as I could. September 28th was glorious~

I ended up spending the night,catching up with friends, and skiing a good chunk of the next day with the same ticket thanks to no scanners and mostly chill lifties. I finally got plucked though :(

That being my last day of the South American Season, I sold off some gear to the people in need. Pants, goggs, helmet, trekkers.
We, people in the northern industry, take if for granted how easy, cheap, or free things are. I'm very thankful that I have a place in a luxury market. Or that I have a place at all.

Can't imagine anything other than “Success is Destiny”

~Hasta luego Andes~
Align Center

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